An Instant Payday loan can help tide you over when an unexpected financial emergency arises. Whether you need funds to keep you afloat due to salary delay or job loss, pay for an emergency car repair, or settle emergency medical bills, your best option is to get a loan that can be released immediately.
Most companies aim to help people get the funds they need as quickly as possible. Streamlining loan application processes, making it 100% online, and removing unnecessary paperwork. Some lenders even offer a no refusal payday loans direct to you.
You can borrow from £100 up to £3500 with flexible and affordable monthly repayment schemes. We designed instant payday loans with “emergency” funding in mind, so borrowers can get hold of the funds they need within the day.
Instant Payday Loans Direct Lenders
Instant payday loans from direct lenders are a type of short-term loan that is typically due on the borrower’s next payday. The loan is intended to provide quick and easy access to cash in the case of an emergency or unexpected expense.
With an instant payday loan, the lender provides the loan amount directly to the borrower, rather than through a third party. The application process is often streamlined and simplified, with many lenders offering online applications and immediate approval. Some lenders may also provide funds within a matter of hours or the next business day.
It’s important to understand, however, that instant payday loans can come with high interest rates and fees, and they can be a very expensive form of credit if not used carefully. Borrowers should carefully consider the terms and conditions of the loan, as well as their ability to repay the loan on time, before taking out an instant payday loan from a direct lender.
Payday Loan Requirements

Qualifying process is simple. To qualify for a loan typically, you must be:
- 18 years old and above
- A resident of the UK
- Have a steady source of monthly income
Before you apply, prepare the following requirements to avoid delays in the processing of your loan application:
- Government-issued ID
- Contact number
- Bank account details
- Proof of Income
3 Things to Consider When Looking for a Lender
When one gets into a financial bind, there is a tendency to rush and overlook important details. A few minutes is all you need to avoid costly mistakes, so make sure to check on the following:
1. Lender’s Background

Check if the lender is accredited by FCA (Financial Conduct Authority), the financial regulating body for 58000 financial firms and markets in the UK. The FCA established guidelines that will ensure the protection of borrowers.
When you check the lender’s website, look for the FCA authorization number, and verify its legitimacy on
Be wary of unregistered lenders littered on the net enticing borrowers with “too good to be true” offers.
There are hidden charges that you will not be able to dispute because you entered into a loan agreement with a lender who is not accredited by FCA. Plus, it is not wise to expose your personal and financial information to an unlicensed lender.
2. Loan Processing Time
How long does it take for the payday loan to be released? The loan application process has been simplified and fine-tuned so the loan can be released as quickly as possible.

SmartMoney’s instant payday loan for example can be released in 10 minutes after your application has been approved.
Delays are often caused by incomplete information submitted by the borrower. Since your application will not be subjected to a credit check, the release of funds can be completed 10 minutes after the approval of your loan request.
Do not fall for ads claiming to release the loan after a few seconds. A reputable lender will never approve a loan without verifying the documents sent by the borrower.
3. Loan Approval Rate
It is wise to choose a lender with a good track record in loan approval. The higher the approval rate the better your chances of getting a loan.
When you apply make sure to submit the correct information and complete documents to ensure the speedy processing of your loan application.